Yoga in der Altstadt GmbH

Namasté und herzlich willkommen bei Yoga in der Altstadt. Deine Yoga-Schule und Ayurveda Praxis in St. Gallen


Lunch Break Yoga

In this dynamic midday yoga class, we will move along with our breath in short and versatile asana sequences. You will find twists, hip openers, core work, inversions and breathing exercises on your lunch yoga plate that will nourish, energize, and help you stay focused for the rest of the day. This class is especially suited for those with sedentary work, long hours at the computer, or limited movement in their daily routine.

mercoledì, 12:00 - 13:00
Lezioni settimanali
Bleichestrasse 11, 9000 St. Gallen
4_Zane Ochsner

4_Zane Ochsner

2020 - 2023 Komplementärtherapeutin Yogatherapie, Institut für Komplementärtherapie, IKT GmbH (i. A.), Luzern
2018 - 2020 Dipl. Yoga Lehrerin Hatha Yoga, Viniyoga (352 h), IKT GmbH, Luzern
2018 Flow-Nuad (Yoga-Body-Work und Achtsamkeitstraining nach Veni I. Labi), Wien,
2015 - 2016 Dipl. Gesundheits- und Fitness Personaltrainerin, Flexyfit Sports Academy, Wien
2013 Hatha Yoga Lehrerausbildung (200h), Sri Sai Spiritual Satsang GmbH, Rishikesh

Abbonamenti & prezzi

Abbonamento Prezzo Periodo di validità Credito
0_Probeabo für 3 Lektionen 50.00 CHF 4 Settimane 3
1_Drop-In 35.00 CHF 1 Giorni 1
2_10er Abonnement 350.00 CHF 6 Mesi 10
2_10er Abonnement - Yoga im Haggen 250.00 CHF 6 Mesi 10
3_3 Monate Abo Hatha Yoga 348.00 CHF 12 Settimane 12
4_3 Monate Abo PLUS Hatha Yoga 495.00 CHF 12 Settimane Illimitato
5_3 Monate Abo Lunch Yoga / Yoga Rücken / Pranayama & Meditation 324.00 CHF 12 Settimane 12
6_3 Monate Abo PLUS Lunch Yoga / Yoga Rücken / Pranayama & Meditation 460.00 CHF 12 Settimane Illimitato
7_Jahresabo 920.00 CHF 52 Settimane 40
8_Jahresabo Plus 1.290.00 CHF 52 Settimane Illimitato
SOMMERYOGA - 8.7.-18.8.24 99.00 CHF 18.08.2024 Illimitato