Valeria Verzar

I’m Valeria, a level 3 Ginastica Natural instructor, qualified by Master Alvaro Romano. I have practiced Martial Arts (Muay Thai & Kickboxing & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) for 15 years and have competitive experience in Switzerland and Thailand. After completing my training as a health specialist, I also became a fitness instructor. Today I am studying sports management at the University of Applied Sciences (of the Grisons – Graubünden). I offer Ginastica Natural, Muay Thai and VAVE Workout trainings. In addition I give personal trainings in Zurich
We also organise Surf & BJJ & Functionaltraining Camps around the globe.

Health specialist EFZ & Fitness instructor

SOMIT course association management (University of Fribourg); Over 10 years of competitive sport experience in martial arts & competition training

Languages: German, English , French & Portuguese.