
Dein neues Gym für Functional Training, Bootcamp, Weightlifting, Powerlifting und Personal Training

Diana Bartholmei

While Diana blows off steam by doing box jumps, push-ups or heavy deadlifts, she adores bringing her love for sports, food and electronic music together as a coach. With a strong passion for CrossFit, functional training and the desire to support others in their personal development, Diana creates workouts, which are tailored to individual needs and can be accomplished by every participant. Under the German slogan “hart aber herzlich” (in English: “tough but cordial”) she combines warmth and toughness to create effective trainings that bring people to their limits and out of their comfort zones. In addition, Diana casually communicates with everyone to connect passionate people from all walks of life.

Alessandra Kälin


Carina Reymond


No Coach ...

Open Gym offers you a the opportunity to train for yourself in a well equipped surrounding.